Fiscal Transparency

As Arkansas Treasurer of State, I would make it my mission to bring information and analysis of state finances to my stakeholders: the people of Arkansas.

For example, every year the Arkansas legislature adopts a budget for the state under the Revenue Stabilization Act (RSA), which serves as the baseline of information about state government finances. In FY 2023, the budget was $6.2 billion, up from $5.7 billion in 2021.  According to data from the Census Bureau, however, total revenues and expenditures administered by the state government was approximately $27 billion. That means that expenditures were over four times the size of the RSA budget.

The Treasurer of State is in a unique position to explain to the taxpayers of Arkansas where ALL of their tax dollars are going. That is why I propose making the office of Treasurer of State a portal of transparency for state government finances. 

Explaining the data.