“Libertarian Pakko begins long shot campaign for treasurer.” That was the headline of an article by syndicated columnist Steve Brawner last week. It’s a nice introduction to my campaign.
His article was just the latest coverage of my announcement to become a candidate for Arkansas Treasurer of State. Other media coverage has included:
- Talk Business and Politics – Michael Pakko announces bid for State Treasurer on Libertarian ticket
- KASU – Libertarian Michael Pakko to run for Arkansas Treasurer, stresses fiscal clarity
- Arkansas Democrat-Gazette – Libertarian economist announces candidacy for Arkansas treasurer
- KATV – Libertarian candidate files to run for Arkansas treasurer
KATV even did a series of short videos introducing all three candidates in the race.
The good news is that the media are covering this race and that my candidacy has generated some interest, even at this early stage in the election season. This is the only statewide race in Arkansas this year (other than President), so the Treasurer’s race is likely to take on a higher profile than in years where all of the constitutional offices are on the ballot.
Media attention will help spread the news that there is a well qualified candidate for State Treasurer who is a professional economist and is not a member of the two-party political establishment. But to get the word out more broadly, I’ll need to be out there campaigning and advertising.
I’m running as a Libertarian, so I don’t have any big-money backing. I’m counting on help from my friends. Please check out my website, https://pakko4ar.com/.
I hope I can count on your vote in November. If you’d like to volunteer for my campaign, just let me know or follow the volunteer link on the website. If you can help by donating to my campaign, you can go directly to https://secure.anedot.com/pakko-for-arkansas-treasurer/donate/.